Soft Tissue Laser

Laser technology continues to transform many procedures in healthcare. Once the subject of sci-fi movies, lasers now clearly provide benefits for mainstream treatment in medicine and dentistry. Shorter procedures, less discomfort, and rapid healing comprise just a few of the benefits offered by modern lasers.

Gums can be quickly reshaped without bleeding for ultimate appearance and health, and some gum infections treated with rapid resolution afterwards. The healing stimulated by laser energy leads to rapid resolution and little to no discomfort, without the need for stitches. 

Even cold sores or mouth ulcers can undergo faster healing when laser energy passes over the surface. The days of pain associated with these recurring ulcers can be dramatically decreased immediately. Lasers can be used with children to help growth and development issues or help wisdom teeth move into place.

A soft tissue laser offers a valuable benefit to many commonly treated conditions in the mouth. Dr. Chang and Dr. Phan's specific training in laser protocols opens up numerous possibilities using one of modern dentistry's most versatile tools.