Our Response to COVID-19
As our community begin our recovery from COVID-19, we want to emphasize that the health and safety of our team members, our patients and their families remain our top priority. At All Star Pediatric Dentistry, we have always taken pride in not only meeting, but exceeding the most up-to-date infection control requirements from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Here are a few things that we are doing to keep our families safe:
Facility Enhancements
Medical-grade HEPA filter air purifiers are placed throughout the office.
Hand sanitizing or hand washing is required of everyone that enters the office
Reception area reorganized to allow detailed sanitation throughout the day
Servicing a limited number of patients at a time to allow for proper social distancing
Embracing technology
All paperwork text to your phone or available on iPads, computer stations, sanitized between every use.
Contactless payment option
Curbside check-ins via text
Integration of contactless thermometers for temperature checks of everyone in the office
Upgraded PPE
Replacement of conventional dental masks with N95 masks for team members
Upgraded eye protection (googles/faceshields)
Masks and closed jackets for admin team members.
We can’t wait to welcome you and will continue to do everything in our power to make your child’s experience fun and positive!